JS: Classes

Learning Goals

  • Understand what this is and how it changes based on context
  • Understand what a class is and what object instances are

New Vocabulary

  • Property Another word for a key-value pair on an object
  • Method A function on an Object
  • this A JavaScript keyword with a value that changes depending on the context in which it’s used
  • Class A constructor that allows us to create multiple instances
  • Object Instance Objects that contain the data and functionality defined in the class

Familiar or Save-for-Later Vocab

  • Object A bundle of behavior (methods) and state (properties)
  • Key The name used to reference a Value on an Object
  • Value The data referenced by a Key
  • Dot Notation Notation to access a Value on an Object, explicitly specifies the Key
  • Bracket Notation Notation to access a Value on an Object, usually specifies a Key via a variable

Reconnecting with previous learning

In your notebook, or wherever you take notes, reflect on the following:

  • What do I already know about classes?
  • What do I already know about instances?

After you’ve thought about those prompts - add your thoughts to this Jamboard

Introduction to this

Let’s consider our school object from before, but with a different method:

var school = {
  name: "International School of Denver",
  capacity: 250,
  languageImmersion: true,
  currentStudents: 75,
  checkOpenSpots: function () {
    return this.capacity - this.currentStudents;

You may have noticed that we used a familiar word, this, in a strange way in the checkOpenSpots method of our school object.

Like var and function, this is a special keyword in JavaScript. The value of it can change inside of function code. Invoking a function in different ways can change the value of this. It is dependent on the context of where it is referenced.

Warm Up

Choose a driver and a navigator. The driver should start by copying the following object into your console.

Together, un-comment out each console.log one at a time, starting with console.log(this.name). Before you run the code, predict what will print out.

  var user1 = {
  name: "Sodie",
  age: 8,
  breed: "Shih-tzu",
  hobbies: ["Sun bathing", "Bossing people around", "Napping"],
  bark: function() {
    return "woof!";
  checkMyProfile: function() {
    // console.log(this.name);
    // console.log(this.age);
    // console.log(this.breed);
    // console.log(this.hobbies);
    // console.log(this.bark);

// after un-commenting a console.log
// invoke the method in your console --> user1.checkMyProfile();
// after you have made your prediction, and seen the actual result
// repeat until you have seen the result for each log in the checkMyProfile method.

// then predict, and uncomment each of the following console.logs
// console.log(this.name);
// console.log(this.age);
// console.log(this);
// console.log(this.hobbies);
// console.log(this.bark);

There are two primary rules of thumb when it comes to this:

  1. If this is used in the context of an object, then this refers to and is bound to THE OBJECT itself.
  2. Otherwise, when it is used in the global context, this refers to the global objects of document or window.

In our example school object above, this is referring to school. If we look at our checkOpenSpots method, we see the statement being returned is: return this.capacity - this.currentStudents; which is basically saying return school.capacity - school.currentStudents;.

capacity and currentStudents are properties of the school object, so when used in this context this refers to school.

Just a note: The browser console and Replit behave differently regarding the ‘global context’. This can be confusing because the global objects may look different. Also, you may see differences in later exercises between the browser and Replit. This is okay! The above rules still apply.

Which this is which?

The default context of this is the window object.

However, the value of this changes in different situations. This can be confusing at first, but it also gives us a really dynamic, powerful tool. Let’s look at some example situations:

Example 1:

This function is declared and invoked in the global scope, so the context of this is the window object.

function boom() {
  var width = this.innerWidth;
  var height = this.innerHeight;
  return [height, width];


Example 2:

width is a variable declared in the global scope. showWidth is a function expression declared and invoked in the global scope. When showWidth references this.width, it will look to the window object for a variable named width and it will find one since we declared it on the first line, in the global scope.

var width = 600;

var showWidth = function () {


Example 3:

Since room is an object, anytime this is referenced inside of room, the context of this will be the room object itself. When this.width is referenced, the program will read that as room.width and look for a property of width on the room object.

var room = {
  width: 800,
  height: 400,
  getArea: function () {
    console.log("in the room object", this);
    return this.width * this.height;


Work through the exercises in this REPL.

Classes and Object Instances

Thus far, we’ve only talked about creating one-off objects using object literals, but what happens if we want to create many objects with the same properties?

This is where classes come in. Classes can serve as object factories that allow us to create multiple objects of the same type, which are commonly referred to as object instances.


The syntax for defining a class is as follows:

class NameOfClass {}

So, for example, if we wanted to create a Laptop class, we could do the following:

class Laptop {}

Generally we will want to put more information in our classes to make them useful to us, but those two lines (even with no other information) will create a class.

Creating Object Instances

Let’s practice together with a Fridge class.

class Fridge {}

var fridge1 = new Fridge();

var fridge2 = new Fridge();

We can run this to see what the fridges are showing at this point. We currently have no state or behavior for these fridge instances. But it is clear that they are instances of a fridge because they show up with Fridge before their {}.

Practice: Creating Object Instances

  • In a brand-new repl file, define a Laptop class, then create 2-3 object instances from that class.
  • Keep this repl file open in a tab; we will come back to it throughout the next few sections of class.


When we run new Fridge(); in JavaScript, what actually happens? We can see from the last example that different Fridge object instances are created and returned. Other than that, nothing happens. If we want some specific code to run when we first create a new Fridge, we need to tell JavaScript what should happen when a new Fridge object instance is created. We do this with the constructor method.

class Fridge {
  constructor() {
    // constructor code here

This method is run once and only once during an object instance’s lifetime, when we use the new keyword in conjunction with the class to the class, in this case, Fridge();.

Modeling State with Properties

The object instances of the classes we’ve defined so far are basically useless. Remember, objects are useful because they can store state and behavior. Let’s give our refrigerator some state.

We can leverage our good friend this to add some properties to our instances. Inside of a class, this refers to an instance of that class.

For instance, if we wanted to use a class to create a pizza object, here’s what that would look like next to an object literal that accomplishes the same thing.

// object literal
var pizza1 = {
  crust: "thin",
  sauce: "red",
  toppings: ["cheese", "pepperoni", "black olives"],

// class
class Pizza {
  constructor(crust, sauce, toppings) {
    this.crust = crust;
    this.sauce = sauce;
    this.toppings = toppings;

var pizza2 = new Pizza("thin", "red", ["cheese", "pepperoni", "black olives"]);

Now lets look at a slightly less contrived example by adding some attributes to our Fridge class.:

class Fridge {
  constructor(color, temperature, isPluggedIn, contents) {
    this.color = color;
    this.temperature = temperature;
    this.isPluggedIn = isPluggedIn;
    this.contents = contents;

Now we are able to actually create some fridges with some variation. Let’s try creating a couple of instances in our repl.

var fridge1 = new Fridge("silver", 36, true, [
var fridge2 = new Fridge("black", 40, true, []);

Note that the arguments that we pass to our Class() are order dependent.

Practice: Adding Attributes

Build on the Laptop class you started earlier. Give your Laptop class some attributes and create some instances of Laptop.

Implementing Behavior with Methods

We can also create methods that will allow us update the state of our Fridge class. For example, let’s say we wanted to add eggs to our Fridge. We currently have a way to see what the contents of the Fridge are, but we don’t have any way to add to them. Let’s do that by creating a method called addFood that will add a food to the contents array.

Let’s define an addFood method that allows us to put foods in your fridge.

class Fridge {
  constructor() {
    this.temperature = 36;
    this.smelly = true;
    this.contents = [];

  addFood(food) {

  removeStench() {
    this.smelly = false;

  adjustTemperature(temp) {
    this.temperature = temp;

Turn & Talk

  • How would one invoke the removeStench function/method? Be specific.
  • Describe, in detail, what the removeStench function/method does, and how it does it.
  • How would one invoke the adjustTemperature function/method? Describe, in detail, what the adjustTemperature function/method does, and how it does it.
  • How would one invoke the addFood function/method? Be specific.
  • Describe, in detail, what the addFood function/method does, and how it does it.

Practice: Adding Behavior

With your partner, create a turnOn method for your Laptop class. This should set the power of that laptop to true.

Finished Early? Complete the exercise in this repl. Remember, the quantity of work you get through is not what matters most, it’s the depth of your understanding and ability to articulate your understanding of how things are working. Don’t race through this and do continue to talk through each line with your partner!

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