JS: Array Prototype Methods

Learning Goals

  • Read documentation and explore array prototype methods
  • Determine if a given method is a mutator or accessor
  • Build a process for self-guided learning, and determine which parts are most helpful for you


  • Array Prototype - methods that are built specifically for arrays. They help us change the arrays themselves or get certain information out of them.
  • Mutator - methods that mutate, or change, the original array
  • Accessor - methods that do not mutate the original array, rather just give us some information about the array

Warm Up

In your notebook, jot down your answers to the following:

var instructors = ["Will", "Scott", "Hannah", "Casey"];

For the array above,

  • How would you programmatically find the number of elements?
  • Oops! Casey is not teaching Mod 1 this inning. NO CODE - what are the instructions you would want to tell the computer to take in order to remove the string “Casey” from the array?


Sometimes we need to access information about an array or certain elements in our array. Methods we use to do that are called accessor methods. They do not mutate or change the original array - they just give us information, or copies of parts of the array.

In other cases, we will want to change the data our array holds. Mutator methods actually mutate, or change, the data in the array. If we needed to remove an instructor element from the instructors array, we’d need to use a mutator method.

The methods to research

You will be learning about the following array prototype methods:

  • push
  • pop
  • unshift
  • shift
  • slice
  • splice
  • includes
  • concat

During the course of your research, you will practice different modes of learning! This is in order to help you gain a better understanding of how you individually learn, and furnish you with some strategies you can fall back on when you get stuck!


For each array prototype method, follow this protocol carefully:

  1. Read the documentation on MDN.
  2. Rubber duck through your understanding of it.
  3. Visually represent the method using sticky notes, drawings in your notebook, or using an online tool like Jamboard
  4. Think: What is returned from the method?
  5. Think: Does the method mutate the original array?
  6. Try It: In a repl.it, try out the method. While poking around here, try to verify your predictions from steps 3 and 4.
  7. Back to documentation - verify your predictions from steps 3 and 4.
  8. Document any remaining questions!


Work through the exercises in this REPL.

Wrap Up

What should you memorize?

Often times, especially when we are starting to code, we put pressure on ourselves to memorize every little thing. This is NOT necessary and not a good use of your brain space! There will be some methods you use so frequently that you just memorize them, but for the most part, the things you “memorize” should be bigger ideas and how things work together.

Some of the methods we learned today are the kind you’ll use so often that you’ll have down pat (including the syntax): push, pop, shift, unshift.

You should have enough of an understanding of arrays that you know you could google something like “remove a specific element from an array”, but maybe you won’t memorize exactly what method to use or the exact syntax for it.

What is not worth memorizing?

It’s not a good use of time to attempt to memorize every array prototype and its syntax.


  1. Which method helped you learn the best? Rubber ducking? Spending time in the docs? Playing with a method in repl.it? Visualizing it without code?
  2. Open your notebooks to the last page, and write “When I’m stuck, I will:” and then add the learning strategies that worked best for you!
  3. Put any remaining questions you have about these methods in a Slack thread.

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